Mar 13, 2021
Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz
Episode 98 - Freedom from Anxiety with Dr Amy Johnson, Ph.D, Psychologist, Author
Dr Amy Johnson, PhD is a Psychologist, coach, author and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than will power.
She is author of Being Human (2013), and The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking any Habit (2016).
In 2017 she opened The Little School of Big Change an online school that has helped hundreds of people find freedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life.
Dr Amy Johnson has been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self Magazine.
EP.98 - *click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
- her personal story
- what inspired her to start write her books
- what inspired her to start The Little School of Big Change
- what her self care rituals are
- anxiety, mind chatter, excessive thinking - explained
- how to become bigger than your thoughts
- how to fear less during the global pandemic
- how to take care of our mental health
- how to give yourself a break
- Plus we talk about so much more of course....
Grab a copy of Dr Amy Johnson book's
by searching for it - via our #spaitgirl affiliated online book store - Booktopia *click here
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TUNE INTO THE - Episode 98
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Stay in contact with our Podcast Guest:
Dr Amy Johnson
Instagram: @dr.amy.johnson
IN SUPPORT - Little Random Act of Kindness
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